About the Colon
How often do you think about the colon?
For most people, it is probably not that often, and probably not with a lot of warm fuzzy feelings. Why would you when it is referred to as the sewer system of the body?
Yet the colon is where the body stores the waste material most people would rather not think about, and unfortunately, it isn’t until their health becomes poor or they feel constipated, have diarrhea or become seriously ill that they do.

The colon (aka large intestine/bowel) is five to six feet long and plays a major role in the outlook of your overall health.* In fact, Hippocrates – the father of modern medicine – said, “All disease begins in the gut.” The prolonged storage of waste could result in toxic seepage through the colon wall and into the bloodstream; this is known as autointoxication. Since every tissue in the body is fed by the bloodstream, a vicious cycle may occur allowing free reign for disease proliferation and the overtaxing of the eliminative organs. Additionally, colon cancer is the third leading cancer killer in the United States in both men and women, claiming nearly 148,000 lives annually according to the American Cancer Society. Many believe the precursor to colon cancer is prolonged exposure to accumulated toxins/carcinogens that adhere to the colon wall.
The American Cancer Society has provided evidence in recent years which suggests that environmental agents, such as insecticides, herbicides, preservatives in food, hormones, antibiotics fed to livestock and petroleum byproducts may play a greater role in the predisposition to colon cancer. Couple that with the fast-paced society that has given way to the standard use of refined, processed, chemically-altered foods, over-prescribed and often consequential drug therapies, and miniscule time for people to pay attention to their own health, you have the answer to why you should be concerned about your colon. Bottom line: it’s your obligation to take care of your health and learn about treating the cause instead of treating just the symptom.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not meant to treat, prevent, cure or diagnose any condition. Always consult your healthcare provider.