What exactly is wellness?
Is this the term you use when you’ve recovered from an illness or injury? Is it an offhand answer to ‘How are you?’ We tend to use ‘Well’ as a relative term. As in ‘I’m not sick, so I must be well.’ But are you simply ‘un-sick?’
That’s really not how your body is designed. Being ‘not sick’ should NOT be your goal—it should be your start.
Be well! Be the best version of healthy – vibrant and optimal-functioning – your body can be. Check out the wellness continuum below.
Neutral—absence of symptoms—seems to be the goal of most people. Whether experiencing headaches, fatigue or an actual diagnosis of an illness, the absence of those maladies is simply that—absence of pain and discomfort; in other words, NEUTRAL.
What if you could be more vibrant than the absence of a headache? What if you could be more energetic than just not drained? What if you could be . . . WELL?
How do we get to true wellness? It’s a journey. And a lot depends on where you are starting. But starting is key. A goal beyond ‘neutral’ IS attainable.
Lately, there’s been a lot of buzz in the news and on social media about ‘cleansing’. In fact, many social media outlets tout it as the ‘way’ to feeling better. Yes, ridding your body of unwanted, and even detrimental, toxicity might be a good idea. But do you understand it? Do you know the benefits? Will you be able to tolerate a cleanse? Is this the path that will take you beyond absence of symptoms to vibrancy?
Let’s talk about that.
What is a ‘Cleanse?’ How is it different from Detoxifying. Take a look at these facts:
The terms cleansing and detoxification have become interchangeable in recent years, yet they have very subtle distinctions. Cleansing tends to focus more directly on the digestive system and is literally “flushing” out your colon, while detoxing takes a much broader approach to help cleanse the eliminative organs as well as the cells of the body. ¥¥The Cleveland Clinic.org
Cleansing the body has been practiced since ancient times, to different degrees and in different ways. Yet the goal and end result are the same: to purify, remove filth or foul matter of any kind, and purge for better well-being and function. ‡‡The King James Dictionary
Detoxification is based on the principle that illnesses can be caused by the accumulation of toxic substances (toxins) in the body. In fact, the US Centers for Disease Control estimates that 80% of all illnesses have environmental and lifestyle causes. §
What will take you from neutral (absence of symptoms) to your optimal wellness?
The first step in choosing your path is to determine your “why”.
- What do you want to achieve?
- What symptoms are you experiencing that you want to change
- Spend some time searching within to determine your “why.”
Then find your starting point. An evaluation to discover your beginning point will direct your efforts toward a realistic goal. Start with this quiz. (Click here)
The next step is to find a program that you’ll actually DO.
- How long are you willing to stay the course?
- How quickly or slowly do you prefer to move along?
- Will you receive encouragement from your friends and family?
This is not something you should be doing on your own. And following a program with a guide/practitioner who will walk you through a program at the right pace for you is essential.
Guidance is important, as is accountability and encouragement. That’s why all Inner Spa Cleansing Programs include before and after evaluations as well as regular check-ins for guidance and support.