Before you begin, make sure to stock up on the ingredients you’ll need for your meals and snacks.

Your 10-Day Rapid Detox kit will include all of the supplements you’ll need. You’ll want to purchase the fresh foods just before you get started. Read through the meal plans before you shop to get an idea of what you’ll likely want and the quantities you might need. Choose organic whenever possible. Items you’ll need on Day 1 are in purple.

Here’s a sampling from the meal suggestions in your program booklet:


    • Fresh fruits such as apples, pears, oranges, berries
    • Fresh vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, leafy greens like spinach, mixed greens for salads, onion, tomatoes, avocados


    • Raw almonds, Chia seeds
    • Brown rice, Quinoa
    • Oats (old-fashioned or quick, but not instant)
    • Protein Powder with a short list of ingredients
    • Natural sweeteners such as honey, coconut nectar, stevia, monk fruit
    • Vegetable broth, chicken broth and/or Bone broth (the bone broth, high in protein, keeps you feeling satisfied longer)


    • Cold-pressed juices (we like the ones from Pure Green and Organnons Natural Market)
    • Unsweetened almond milk
    • Lean protein like chicken breast, wild-caught salmon
    • Eggs
    • Ezekial English Muffins


    See the complete list in your program booklet and be sure to remove the items from your home to reduce temptation.

    Main items to avoid during your detox:

    • Refined sugar and sugar substitutes
    • Saturated and trans fats
    • Refined carbs and Hi-Glycemic items such as white bread, pasta, white rice
    • Processed foods such as deli meats, ice cream, most frozen and canned goods
    • Red meat and dairy products like milk and cheese
    • Wheat
    • Alcohol, soda