Inner Thoughts Blog

Selfcare ponderings...

Self-care of the mind/body/spirit connection has become my passion.

Every day I walk a little taller because of all the work I have done to be my best self each day. I am a continuous work-in-progress, and openly share my journey to self-care in my #1 bestselling book The Gift of Loss: Transforming Tragedy available at the Center or online at

I am so passionate to share self-care to give people hope and am excited to share that I will be launching a new self-care coaching program in 2021; watch for details coming soon!! Sign up below  and stay in tuned with what’s happening.

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Meditation is just one way to sharpen your brain and protect its long-term health. Generally, it’s easy, can be done any place at any time that fits your schedule, and it is one of the most effective stress-reducers available to all. Don’t know how? Most people...

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Lists… We all have them.

Lists… We all have them.

We all have them. Those lists. Grocery lists, gift lists, Amazon lists . . . even our calendars are lists—be here, go there, make these calls, attend those webinars. Think about what those lists accomplish. Is it busy-work or is it truly productive? Much like the...

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Calm, Relaxed Living

Calm, Relaxed Living

Lately I’ve been focused on positive living with intention. In fact, my last three posts have been all about incorporating positive changes in order to live with more intention to attract what you desire and value most in life. To me, this is a desirable approach to...

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Positivity Starts with Your Affirmation

Positivity Starts with Your Affirmation

Positive statements about yourself that say who you are and who you want to be are called affirmations. Beginning these statements with “I am…” is a powerful way to help you be all you intend to be in a positive, uplifting fashion. I was first introduced to the power...

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Practicing Grace Under Fire

Practicing Grace Under Fire

When Life Throws More Curve Balls There are times when life throws more curve balls in my direction than I can handle. Sometimes they are high, sometimes low. Sometimes I think I know the direction they are coming, and then wham! they do just what a curve ball does...

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Setting Boundaries

Setting Boundaries

“Whatever you are willing to put up with is exactly what you will have.” – Anonymous As the days have turned cooler, the last thing I want to think about is setting boundaries. I love the cooler weather – you know, the days that you have to wear a sweater but it is...

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Spreading Kindness

Happy fall! This is the beginning of one of my favorite times of the year, and I am focusing my own self-care on ways that get me outside to enjoy all the season has to offer. I was blessed to spend a wonderful and beautiful weekend with my husband in the mountains of...

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Healthy Grief & Living Life

Grief. It is one of the saddest words I have ever uttered. Simply saying the word brings a momentary feeling of melancholy, and if I’m not careful it has the potential to impact and bring me down. Grief is about one’s response to loss and the emotions experienced. It...

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Gratitude in all Things

When I am grateful, my life feels balanced, and I feel energetic. When I am grateful, I am able to acknowledge that life is more about giving than receiving, for when I am grateful I receive the blessing of more for which to be grateful. From a young age, I was taught...

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Being Present

Being Present

“There is only one time that is important – NOW! It is the most important time because it is the only time that we have any power.” - Leo Tolstoy It has been said that today is a present, yet how often do you actually feel present? Being present means fully enjoying...

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